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Full Council
Full Council meetings are attended by every Parish Councillor and are scheduled for every 6 weeks. They are also attended by County and District Councillors when they are available.
Environmental Services and Planning Committee
The Environmental Services and Planning committee is responsible for the Council Cemetery on the Denchworth Road. It also considers minor/domestic planning applications on behalf of the Council. It discusses highway matters, transport matters, environmental issues, dog waste matters (except for the Recreation Grounds) and Police and Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG) matters.
Finance and General Purposes Committee
The Finance and General Purposes committee is usually made up of 8 Parish Councillors and is chaired by the Parish Council Chairman.
Leisure and Recreation Committee
The Leisure and Recreation committee is responsible for the Recreation Ground and Wasbrough Fields. It is also responsible for all other Public Open Spaces, Play Areas, Allotments and Trees (except Memorial Trees located in the Cemetery). It discusses youth matters.
Annual Parish
An Annual Parish Meeting (APM) is a yearly gathering that provides a forum for local government electors to discuss parish affairs and for the parish council to report on its activities. It is not a meeting of the Parish Council, and its decisions are not legally binding.
Recreation Ground User Group
Made of the Parish Council members and representatives of the users of the Recreation Ground
Charity Committee
Grove Parish Council is the sole trustee of The Village Green and Haywards Plot Charity. The Charity committee manage the Charity on behalf of the Parish Council.